Effective February 10, 2025, Sonoran University patient care will be increasing appointment and treatment costs.

We appreciate your understanding as we continue to provide you with high quality natural care! 

Sonoran University

Clinical Care Blog

Naturopathic medicine, botanical research and the health sciences are constantly evolving. Stay up-to-date on the latest healthy living tips from the experts and more on Sonoran University Clinical Care’s informative blog.

*Blog entries posted prior to October 2022 may call out Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Sciences (SCNM) instead of Sonoran University of Health Sciences.


Dr. Hannah Schroeder in Women’s Wear Daily

Sonoran University of Health Sciences is proud to present that our very own Dr. Hannah Schroeder has been attributed in an article in Women’s Wear Daily, which was picked up by national coverage, where she helps break down the differences between the traditional hot water bottle, and the ever growing market of heating pads and their benefits.
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Post-Acute Covid-19 Syndrome – Homeopathic Treatment Pilot Trial

Post-acute Covid-19 Syndrome or Long Covid is a syndrome with a broad range of symptoms that lasts four or more weeks after first getting infected with the coronavirus.  In 2020, an international survey gathered data from people with Long Covid in 56 countries and theses researchers saw over 200 different symptoms of Long Covid stemming from 10 different organ systems within the body.1  The symptoms of Long Covid most often include debilitating fatigue and brain fog but patients are also experiencing muscle and joint pains, headaches, dizziness, trouble sleeping and many other respiratory, digestive, and heart problems.  Mood disturbances are common in Long Covid patients with depression and anxiety ranking high in the symptom list of patients.
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Cholesterol Education Month

Cholesterol imbalances are very common so it’s important to know how to catch it before it progresses. Most commonly, you'll hear about worries surrounding high cholesterol, which is a common precursor to cardiovascular disease.
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Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month

In recent times, we're seeing greater visibility on concerns surrounding thyroid function. Oftentimes, we see that thyroid concerns come up when we experience sudden weight gain. This bring to question, what does the thyroid actually do?
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Enjoy Juice This Summer

This summer, take in some healthy and refreshing juice with recipes courtesy of our SCNM Nutrition Club!
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What to Look for When Choosing Sunscreen

One of the best things about Arizona is that it's sunny almost all year long! Being in Arizona means you can maximize your time outdoors, but if you're planning to soak up the sun, what can you do to protect your skin? We spoke with Dr. Arianna Rodriguez from the SCNM Medical Center to learn more about what to look for when you're choosing your sunscreen.
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